
Thursday 4 September 2014

Friends.... Words.... Be corrected.....

When you have issues with someone make sure you settle it and don't tell people the details of the matter... Proverbs 25:8-10

8 Do not go hastily to court; For what will you do in the end, When your neighbor has put you to shame? 9 Debate your case with your neighbor, And do not disclose the secret to another; 10 Lest he who hears it expose your shame, And your reputation be ruined. Proverbs 8-10

It's a good thing when you always have good things to say.. Proverbs 25:11
It's perfect when you listen to people correct you Proverbs 25:12

  11 A word fitly spoken is like apples of gold In settings of silver. 12  Like an earring of gold and an ornament of fine gold Is a wise rebuker to an obedient ear.  Proverbs 25:11-12

How sweet are YOUR words to my taste,Sweeter than honey to my mouth!
Psalm 119:103 New King James Version (NKJV)

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